Ham and Swiss Sliders Recipes

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Hey there, welcome to our recipe blog. Right here you can get an overview on how to make extremely yummy Ham and Swiss Sliders dishes. The manufacturing process is really easy, you simply require to follow the approaches that we have composed on this page. The complying with are the stages of how to prepare Ham and Swiss Sliders. Please comply with the instructions well.

  • 1 package Hawaiian Sweet Rolls (12 count)
  • 18 slices of thin deli ham
  • 12 slices Swiss cheese
  • 1 stick butter
  • 1 tbsp yellow mustard
  • 1/2 tbsp Worcesteshire Sauce
  • 1/2 tbsp dried minced onion
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • Parmesan cheese (optional)
  • dried parsley (optional)
Ham and Swiss Sliders


  1. Preheat oven to 350.
  2. Cover 9×13 baking pan with foil. Spray with cooking spray.
  3. Remove rolls from package in one piece.
  4. Cut entire slab of rolls in half lengthwise. (You will end up with one slab of “tops” and one slab of “bottoms”.)
  5. Place bottom slab in foiled cover pan.
  6. ………..
  7. Click here to view full recipe

Thanks for seeing our blog. With any luck the directions for making Ham and Swiss Sliders recipes above can be beneficial for you. As well as do not forget to share this recipe by clicking the PIN switch listed below, and share it with all your friends.

Originally posted 2018-06-13 04:48:43.