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Hello there, welcome to our recipe blog. Here you can obtain a guide on just how to make very delicious FABULOUSLY FUDGY KETO BROWNIES dishes. The manufacturing procedure is very easy, you simply need to adhere to the techniques that we have created on this web page. The complying with are the phases of exactly how to prepare FABULOUSLY FUDGY KETO BROWNIES. Please follow the guidelines well.

Do you know a person who’d say “Brownies? Nah, can’t stand them. Too chocolatey. Too happiness-inducing. Not for me, mate.”

This kind of person, as you know well yourself, does not exist. Why?

Regular brownies are a feast of chocolate, butter and indulgent sweetness. It’s the same with these low carb brownies – the only difference being that instead of sugar I used powdered erythritol and instead of flour my brownies contain almond flour. This way, they’re not only sugar free, low carb and diabetic-friendly (they’re 3.2g net carbs per portion), but also grain and gluten free.

The chocolate. Use the best quality you can get hold of. There’s a LOT of chocolate in this recipe – almost 2 bars – so you’ll be able to taste it. In the UK, Lindt is a popular quality brand and I went for their 90% dark chocolate. It contains only 7 grams of sugar per 100g, which is very low, and it’s widely available.

You could use unsweetened chocolate as well (in the UK there’s a brand called Montezuma which Sainsbury’s stocks, in the US Baker’s chocolate is a good option). If you decide to use sugar free chocolate such as Lily’s in the US or Balance in the UK, simply reduce the amount of sweetener you use.


  • 175 g / 6.17 oz butter unsalted, softened
  • 100 g / 1 cup powdered sweetener
  • 3 eggs
  • 40 g / 1/3 cup cocoa powder unsweetened
  • 175 g / 6.17 oz dark chocolate at least 85% cocoa solids, melted
  • 80 g / 3/4 cup almond flour


  1. Preheat your oven to 180 Celsius / 356 Fahrenheit
  2. Melt the chocolate: Break the chocolate into squares and place in a small bowl. Place this bowl inside a larger bowl which you have filled with boiling water. The water will heat the walls of the small bowl and melt the chocolate.  (see notes)
  3. ……………………………………

for full instruction please see : sugarfreelondoner.com

Thank you for visiting our blog site. With any luck the instructions for making FABULOUSLY FUDGY KETO BROWNIES dishes above can be beneficial for you. As well as don’t forget to share this recipe by clicking the PIN switch listed below, and share it with all your close friends.

Originally posted 2018-06-13 04:58:42.