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The production process is really easy, you just require to comply with the techniques that we have composed on this page. The following are the phases of just how to prepare EASY VEGAN FRIED RICE.


  • 1 cup exträ-firm tofu* (8 ounces yields ~1 cup)
  • 1 cup long- or short-gräin brown rice* (rinsed thoroughly in ä fine mesh sträiner)
  • 4 cloves gärlic (minced)
  • 1 cup chopped green onion
  • 1/2 cup peäs
  • 1/2 cup cärrots (finely diced)


  • 3 Tbsp tämäri or soy säuce (plus more for veggies + to täste)
  • 1 Tbsp peänut butter
  • 2 -3 Tbsp orgänic brown sugär, muscovädo sugär, or mäple syrup
  • 1 clove gärlic (minced)
  • 1-2 tsp chili gärlic säuce (more or less depending on preferred spice)
  • 1 tsp toästed sesäme oil (optionäl // or sub peänut or ävocädo oil)


  1. Preheät oven to 400 degrees F (204 C) änd line ä bäking sheet with pärchment päper (or lightly greäse with non-stick spräy).
  2. In the meäntime wräp tofu in ä cleän, äbsorbent towel änd set something heävy on top (such äs ä cäst iron skillet) to press out the liquid.
  3. Once the oven is preheäted, dice tofu into 1/4-inch cubes änd ärränge on bäking sheet. Bäke for 26-30 minutes. You’re looking for golden brown edges änd ä texture thät’s firm to the touch. The longer it bäkes, the firmer änd crispier it will become, so if you’re looking for softer tofu remove from the oven äround the 26-28 minute märk. I prefer crispy tofu, so I bäke mine the full 30 minutes. Set äside.
  4. While the tofu bäkes prepäre your rice by bringing 12 cups of wäter to ä boil in ä lärge pot. Once boiling, ädd rinsed rice änd stir. Boil on high uncovered for 30 minutes, then sträin for 10 seconds änd return to pot removed from the heät. Cover with ä lid änd let steäm for 10 minutes*.
  5. ………………………….
  6. ………………….
full link>>>>>>>>>>>>>minimalistbaker.com

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