Easy Bircher Muesli Breakfast for Kids Recipes

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Hi, welcome to our recipe blog site. Below you can obtain a guide on just how to make very yummy Easy Bircher Muesli Breakfast for Kids recipes. The production procedure is very easy, you simply need to follow the approaches that we have actually written on this page. The following are the stages of exactly how to prepare Easy Bircher Muesli Breakfast for Kids. Please adhere to the directions well.

Easy Bircher Muesli Breakfast for Kids

A simple but super easy bircher muesli breakfast for kids packed with oats, seeds, yogurt and fruit. Spend just 3 minutes prepping this tonight and tomorrow you’ll wake up to this delicious breakfast perfect for Spring and Summer!

Easy Bircher Muesli Breakfast for Kids



  • 50g / 1.5 cups rolled oats
  • 100g / 0.5 cup plain yogurt
  • 120ml / 0.5 cup milk
  • 1 apple, grated
  • 1 tbsp mixed seeds
  • 1/2 tbsp honey
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 100g / 3.5oz frozen raspberries

  1. Add all the ingredients except the frozen raspberries to a large bowl and mix well.
  2. Add the frozen raspberries to a bowl or jug and cover with hot water. Leave for just 1 to 2 minutes before draining. The idea is to begin the defrosting process but they don’t have to be completely defrosted.
  3. Stir the raspberries through with the rest of the ingredients, cover the bowl with foil or plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight or for a minimum of 3 hours.

Source: myfussyeater.com

Thank you for visiting our blog site. Hopefully the guidelines for making Easy Bircher Muesli Breakfast for Kids dishes over can be helpful for you. And don’t fail to remember to share this recipe by clicking the PIN button listed below, as well as share it with all your friends.tn

Originally posted 2018-06-12 05:49:43.