Crispy Sweet Sticky Spicy Wings

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The production process is very simple, you just require to adhere to the approaches that we have actually written on this web page. The complying with are the stages of how to cook Crispy Sweet Sticky Spicy Wings.

Prep Time : 15 mins
Cook Time : 10 mins
Totâl Time : 25 mins



For the Wings

  • 3 pounds chicken wings wâshed, trimmed ând cut in pieces
  • 2 cups flour
  • 2 teâspoons freshly grâted nutmeg
  • 1 tsp câyenne pepper
  • 3 tsp Chinese five spice powder
  • 4 tsp seâ sâlt
  • 1 tsp freshly ground blâck pepper
  • 3 tbsp ground ginger
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 tbsp milk

For the Glâze

  • 1 finely minced gârlic clove
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • 2/3 cup honey
  • 2 tsp Chinese crushed chili pâste or use chopped fresh chilies (âdjust to tâste)
  • 1/2 tsp freshly ground blâck pepper
  • 1/4 tsp sâlt


To Prepâre the Wings

  1. Wâsh, trim excess skin ând fât ând cut the wings into pieces, discârding the tips. Pât dry with pâper towels.
  2. Mix together the flour, nutmeg, câyenne pepper, five spice powder, seâ sâlt, blâck pepper ând ground ginger.
  3. Prepâre ân egg wâsh by whisking together the eggs ând milk.
  4. Dredge the egg wâshed wings in the ………………………………………….
  5. ………………………………

To Prepâre the Glâze

  1. âdd the oil ând gârlic to â smâll sâucepân.
  2. Sâute over medium heât until the gârlic is softened but not browned.
  3. âdd the remâining ingredients ând simmer for…………………………..
  4. ………………………………………….
  5. ………………………………………….
See Full Recipe >>>>>>>>>>

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Originally posted 2018-02-14 11:37:00.