vegan flourless banana bread muffins Recipes

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Hello, welcome to our recipe blog site. Right here you can obtain a guide on just how to make very yummy vegan flourless banana bread muffins recipes. The manufacturing procedure is very simple, you simply need to follow the methods that we have actually created on this page. The adhering to are the phases of exactly how to prepare vegan flourless banana bread muffins. Please comply with the instructions well.

The fact that I don’t seem to have my feet firmly planted in any particular dietary camp (except the peanut-free one for life & death reasons) is actually something that used to drive me crazy, but the more time I spent thinking about it, the more I realized that my lack of a camp was actually a camp in itself… and one that aligned perfectly with the belief that’s at the root of all my views on diet and nutrition in general.

Which belief is that? That we’re all unique and that different things work for different people. I can’t say that a vegan diet is better than a Paleo diet from a health perspective because I’ve seen people do well on both ends of the spectrum, just as I’ve seen people do poorly on both.


  • 1 flax “egg”*
  • ¼ cup almond butter**
  • 2 ripe medium/large bananas
  • 2 Tbsp. agave nectar***
  • 3/4 cup rolled oats****
  • 2 Tbsp. ground flaxseed
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • ½ tsp. baking soda
  • ½ tsp. ground cinnamon


  1. Prepare your flax egg by combining 1 Tbsp. of ground flaxseed with 3 Tbsp. of water. Set aside.
  2. Preheat oven to 375F and prepare a muffin pan by spraying 9 cavities with cooking spray. Set aside.
  3. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend on high until oats are broken down and batter is smooth and creamy. If you do not have a high speed blender, you can mix all the ingredients by hand. Simply grind the oats into a flour and mash the bananas before combining all the ingredients in a bowl and mixing well.
  4. …………………………………..

For full instructions please see :

Thanks for seeing our blog. With any luck the guidelines for making vegan flourless banana bread muffins dishes above can be beneficial for you. And also do not forget to share this recipe by clicking the PIN switch listed below, as well as share it with all your friends.

Originally posted 2018-04-20 13:53:14.