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Sausage Pizza Egg Muffins (Paleo & Whole30)

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Hello, welcome to our recipe blog. Right here you can get a guide on just how to make extremely yummy Sausage Pizza Egg Muffins (Paleo & Whole30) recipes. The manufacturing procedure is very easy, you just need to follow the methods that we have written on this web page. The complying with are the phases of exactly how to cook Sausage Pizza Egg Muffins (Paleo & Whole30). Please follow the instructions well.

¾ lb sweet Italian sausage or pork breakfast sausage, casings removed, no added sugar
2 cloves garlic, minced*
dash of crushed red pepper
⅔ cup chopped sun dried tomatoes soften first by soaking if too hard
2 tsp Italian seasoning blend
1 tsp onion powder
9 eggs
¼ tsp fine grain sea salt
1-2 tsp coconut oil for cooking the sausage, plus extra for greasing muffin cups
  1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees and grease a 12 cup muffin tin well with coconut oil to prevent sticking.
  2. Heat a medium or large skillet over medium heat and add 1-2 tsp coconut oil to the skillet. Add the sausage and a dash of crushed red pepper, and break up lumps of sausage with a wooden spoon. If using the garlic*, add it to the pan when the sausage is halfway browned
  3. Continue to cook and stir. Once the sausage is nearly fully browned, add the chopped sundried tomatoes and stir into the mixture. Cook another minute, then remove from heat and set aside.
  4. In a very large bowl, whisk together the eggs, onion powder, Italian seasoning, and salt. Then, pour the entire sausage mixture into the eggs and combine.
  5. Fill muffin cups ¾ of the way to the top (they’ll rise over the cups, which is fine) until the mixture is used up (I made 12) and bake in the preheated oven about 15 minutes, or until the eggs are set and the muffins just begin to brown.
  6. Remove from oven and let cool a few minutes before serving. If making ahead, you can refrigerated them in a sealed container for up to 5 days. Enjoy!

Original Recipes visit: Sausage Pizza Egg Muffins (Paleo & Whole30) @

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Originally posted 2018-03-30 10:09:36.