Salted Brown Sugar & Honey Fudge Recipe

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Hello, welcome to our recipe blog site. Below you can get an overview on just how to make extremely yummy Salted Brown Sugar & Honey Fudge Recipe dishes. The production process is really simple, you just need to comply with the approaches that we have written on this page. The following are the phases of just how to cook Salted Brown Sugar & Honey Fudge Recipe. Please adhere to the directions well.

Sweet and Salty Brown Sugar and Honey Fudge! A unique and delicious homemade treat.


1 cup brown sugar
1 and 1/2 cups granulated sugar
1 cup heavy cream
2 tablespoons honey
3/4 teaspoon flaky sea salt, divided
1 vanilla bean, scraped
6 tablespoons unsalted butter


  1. In a heavy bottomed saucepan combine the sugars, honey, cream, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and vanilla bean. Place pan over medium heat and whisk until sugars are dissolved. Place a candy thermometer in the pan, and cook the mixture – stirring occasionally – until the temperature registers at 240 degrees (F). Remove pan from heat. Add the butter, stir until completely melted, then leave the mixture to stand – with the thermometer still in – until it’s cooled to 120 degrees (F).
  2. Visit Salted Brown Sugar & Honey Fudge @ for full instructions.

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Originally posted 2018-05-21 11:06:02.