Realistic Looking Grinch Guacamole Recipes

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Hey there, welcome to our recipe blog. Here you can obtain a guide on how to make really tasty Realistic Looking Grinch Guacamole dishes. The production process is very simple, you just require to follow the approaches that we have actually created on this web page. The following are the stages of exactly how to prepare Realistic Looking Grinch Guacamole. Please comply with the directions well.

With a few simple ingredients and some easy instructions, you can warm the hearts of your family and friends with this gloriously easy to make realistic looking Grinch Guacamole.

The ingredient list for making Grinch Guacamole;

  • cream cheese
  • prepared guacamole
  • diced pimentos
  • smoked paprika
  • garlic powder
  • salt and pepper
  • cilantro or basil paste
  • cauliflower florets
  • red, black, and green gel food color
  • mayonnaise
  • sriracha 
  • black olives
  • yellow zucchini
  • broccoli floret

The easy instructions;

  1. Assemble your ingredients: 2 blocks (8 ounces) cream cheese (softened), 2 packages (8 ounces) prepared guacamole, 2 tablespoons diced pimentos, 2 teaspoons smoked paprika, 1 teaspoon garlic powder, ½ teaspoon black pepper, ½ teaspoon salt,1 tablespoon cilantro or basil paste, cauliflower florets, red, green and black gel food color, 3/4 cup mayonnaise, 2 slices black olives, 2 yellow zucchini slices. *Note – not all the ingredients are shown in the photo below. And assemble your kitchen equipment: A large serving platter, 1 large bowl, 1 medium bowl, 1 small bowl, hand mixer, spatula, large zip-top bag or piping bag, and scissors.
  2. ………………………………..

For full instructions please see :

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