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The manufacturing procedure is very easy, you just require to follow the methods that we have composed on this web page. The following are the phases of exactly how to prepare QUICK & EASY VEGAN FRENCH TOAST.
 QUICK & EASY VEGAN FRENCH TOAST A quick and easy breakfast that tastes like a special treat!


  • 2 tbsp chickpea flour*
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp mixed spice or pumpkin pie spice mix
  • 120 ml dairy-free milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 tbsp vegan butter or mild-flavoured oil
  • 4 thick slices of soft breadwhite or wholegrain / gluten-free, if neeed


  • Maple syrup fruit, coconut yoghurt


  1. Whisk the chickpea flour, spices, milk, vanilla and salt to
    gether in a shallow container.
  2. Gently heat the butter or oil in a skillet.
  3. Dip a slice of the bread into the mixture and coat well on each side. Place in the skillet and fry on medium heat for a minute on each side until golden brown.

Thanks for visiting our blog site. Hopefully the guidelines for making QUICK & EASY VEGAN FRENCH TOAST dishes over can be helpful for you. And don’t forget to share this recipe by clicking the PIN button below, and share it with all your good friends.tn

Originally posted 2018-05-09 10:27:09.