Potato Cakes Recipes

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Hi, welcome to our recipe blog. Right here you can obtain a guide on exactly how to make very tasty Potato Cakes dishes. The production process is extremely simple, you just need to adhere to the techniques that we have actually written on this web page. The complying with are the phases of just how to cook Potato Cakes. Please follow the guidelines well.

The best Potato Cakes recipe ever. come with only 2 weight watchers SmartPoints. to make this wonderful Potato Cake recipe you need the following ingredients:


2 Cups potatoes, Mashed

2 Tablespoons onions, Chopped

1/8 Teaspoon salt

1 Teaspoon oil

1 Egg white, slightly beaten

2 Tablespoons all-purpose flour

and finally the pepper


  • In a medium size bowl, combine potatoes, egg white, onion, flour, salt and pepper.
  • Meanwhile, heat oil in a large skillet over medium high heat.
  • When hot, put about 2 tablespoons potato mixture for each cake into skillet. Cook until well browned, then turn with a spatula and cook other side until brown.
  • For full instructions please : 55recipes.com

Thanks for seeing our blog site. Ideally the guidelines for making Potato Cakes dishes over can be helpful for you. And also do not fail to remember to share this recipe by clicking the PIN button below, and share it with all your buddies.

Originally posted 2018-05-02 22:01:34.