Paleo Chocolate Mousse Recipe

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Hello, welcome to our recipe blog. Below you can get an overview on how to make really delicious Paleo Chocolate Mousse Recipe dishes. The production process is really simple, you just require to adhere to the techniques that we have created on this web page. The adhering to are the stages of exactly how to cook Paleo Chocolate Mousse Recipe. Please adhere to the guidelines well.

4 ounces unsweetened chocolate, chopped
14 fluid ounces ounces full-fat canned coconut, refrigerated for at least 24 hours*
1/3 cup (112 g) honey
1/2 cup (40 g) unsweetened cocoa powder (natural or Dutch-processed, but I prefer Dutched)
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon kosher salt
*Coconut cream is the solid in a can of full-fat canned coconut. In this recipe, we will use only the cream. Thai Kitchen brand coconut milk and Whole Foods 365 brand coconut milk both work well consistently for this application. So Delicious brand “Culinary Coconut Milk” also works great for the coconut cream portion. It comes in an 11 fluid ounce container and can be used as you would a 14-ounce can. Trader Joe’s also sells coconut cream alone, which contains significantly less liquid and doesn’t need to be refrigerated for it to separate.


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