Olive Garden Stuffed Chicken Marsala Recipes

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Hello, welcome to our recipe blog. Right here you can get a guide on how to make very delicious Olive Garden Stuffed Chicken Marsala dishes. The production process is very easy, you simply require to adhere to the approaches that we have composed on this page. The complying with are the stages of exactly how to cook Olive Garden Stuffed Chicken Marsala. Please follow the guidelines well.
Olive Garden Stuffed Chicken Marsala By Stephanie | The Cozy Cook. Make a classic Olive Garden meal from the comfort of your home with this ultra-flavorful stuffed chicken marsala recipe straight from the restaurant itself!


4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 cup all-purpose flour
Salt/Pepper to taste
½ cup olive oil

½ cup smoked shredded cheese provolone or gouda
8 oz. mozzarella cheese shredded
¼ cup Parmesan cheese grated
½ cup breadcrumbs
1 teaspoon fresh garlic minced
1 tsp red pepper flakes
2 Tablespoons sun-dried tomatoes patted dry and roughly chopped
3 green onions thinly sliced
3/4 cup sour cream

1 yellow onion sliced into strings
4 cups Dry Marsala Wine
8 oz. heavy cream
12 oz. button mushrooms thinly sliced

Image Credit : thecozycook.com

Visit Olive Garden Stuffed Chicken Marsala By Stephanie | The Cozy Cook @ thecozycook.com for full recipes
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