New York Style Cheesecake Cupcakes Recipes

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Hello, welcome to our recipe blog. Here you can obtain an overview on just how to make very delicious New York Style Cheesecake Cupcakes dishes. The manufacturing process is really simple, you simply need to comply with the approaches that we have composed on this web page. The adhering to are the phases of just how to cook New York Style Cheesecake Cupcakes. Please adhere to the instructions well.

When I make these, people just RAVE about them! The crumbled graham crackers sprinkled on top add the flavor of a cheesecake base.

20 ounces cream cheese, softened

1/2 cup sour cream

1 1/2 tablespoons flour

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 tablespoon vanilla

2 eggs

3 or 4 graham crackers, crushed for sprinkling

Cream Cheese Frosting

2 1/3 cup confectioners’ sugar, sifted

3 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature

4 oz. cream cheese, cold


  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Line 2-12 count cupcake tins with liners.
  • In a small bowl, mix together graham cracker crumbs, 3 Tablespoons sugar, and melted butter with a fork until most and crumbly.
  • Spoon 1 tablespoon of the crust mixture into each cupcake liner. Using a small glass, tamp down crumbs to form a crust. Set aside.
  • For full instructions please :

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