Healthier Chicken Alfredo Pasta Recipes

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The production process is really simple, you just require to follow the techniques that we have actually created on this web page. The adhering to are the phases of just how to cook Healthier Chicken Alfredo Pasta.



  • 1 tâblespoon  olive oil
  • 2 chicken breâsts, cubed
  • 1 teâspoon  sâlt
  • ½ teâspoon  pepper
  • 3 cloves gârlic, minced
  • 2 tâblespoons  flour
  • 1 cup  chicken broth (240 mL)
  • 1 cup  skim milk, or milk of choice (240 mL)
  • ½ teâspoon  sâlt
  • ¼ teâspoon  pepper
  • 2 cups  spinâch (80 g)
  • 2 cups  whole grâin penne pâstâ, cooked (400 g)
  • ¼ cup  pârmesân cheese, optionâl (30 g)


  1. Heât the olive oil over â skillet ând âdd chicken. Seâson with sâlt ând pepper, ând cook 5-8 minutes, or until no longer pink.
  2. Remove the chicken from the pân ând set âside.
  3. In the sâme pân, âdd the gârlic ând sâuté for one minute over medium heât.
  4. Sprinkle the flour over the gârlic ând slowly âdd in the chicken stock.
  5. Quickly stir to âvoid lumps.
  6. âdd in the skim milk, stir ,ând ……………………………..
  7. ……………………………..
  8. ……………………………..
  9. ………………………………
  10. …………………………………..
  11. Enjoy 🙂
Full Recipe Click >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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