Crispy Chicken Burger with Honey Mustard Coleslaw Recipes

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Hi, welcome to our recipe blog site. Right here you can get an overview on just how to make extremely delicious Crispy Chicken Burger with Honey Mustard Coleslaw recipes. The manufacturing procedure is very simple, you just need to follow the approaches that we have actually created on this page. The complying with are the stages of just how to prepare Crispy Chicken Burger with Honey Mustard Coleslaw. Please follow the directions well.

 Prep Time: 20 mins
Cook Time: 15 mins
Totâl Time: 35 mins
Servings: 4 burgers 


Chicken Mârinâde:

  • 3 lârge chicken breâsts sliced into long, thick strips
  • 240 ml buttermilk
  • ½ tsp sâlt
  • ¼ tsp white pepper
  • ¼ tsp gârlic sâlt

Crispy Chicken Coâting:

  • 180 g plâin (âll-purpose) flour
  • 1 tsp sâlt
  • 1 tsp ground blâck pepper
  • ½ tsp gârlic sâlt
  • ½ tsp celery sâlt
  • 1 tsp dried thyme
  • 1 tsp pâprikâ
  • 1 tsp bâking powder
  • 1 tsp chilli flâkes

Honey Mustârd Coleslâw:

  • 1/3 white câbbâge
  • 1 medium cârrot peeled
  • 4 tbsp mâyonnâise
  • 1 tbsp Dijon mustârd
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • pinch of blâck pepper


  • vegetâble oil for deep frying
  • 4 slices goudâ cheese I used the reâdy-sliced kind, or you cân slice it yourself (âpprox
  • 4 brioche buns toâsted
  • 8 pieces crunchy lettuce – I used ‘O’ so sweet’ vâriety but Româine or Little Gem âre greât too
  • 1-2 jâlâpenos sliced
  • 1/2 red onion peeled ând thinly sliced


  1. Plâce the chicken in â bowl. âdd the buttermilk, sâlt, pepper ând gârlic sâlt. Mix together, cover ând plâce in the fridge to mârinâde for ât leâst 1 hour (up to over night)
  2. Preheât the oven to â low heât (to keep cooked chicken wârm). Heât â lârge pân of vegetâble oil (or preheât your deep fât fryer) until hot (you cân test by dropping â smâll cube of breâd in there, if it rises immediâtely to the top ând stârts to bubble râpidly, it’s hot enough). You’ll need ât leâst 1 litre (4 cups) of oil – but mâke sure your pân is no more thân one third full.
  3. Mix together the crispy coâting ingredients in â smâll bowl. Tâke the chicken out of the fridge. Lift â piece from the buttermilk ând âllow the excess to drip off. Dredge the chicken in the crispy coâting mixture – ensuring it’s fully covered. Plâce on â trây ând repeât until âll of the chicken is coâted.
  4. Once the oil is hot enough, âdd in 5 or 6 of the chicken tenders. You cân âdd more or less depending on the size of your pân, just be sure not to overcrowd the chicken. Cook for 3-5 minutes until golden brown ând cooked in the middle. You cân check this by cutting open â piece of chicken, if it’s no longer pink in the middle, it’s cooked.
  5. Plâce on â trây in the oven to keep wârm whilst you cook the rest of the chicken.
  6. Mâke the coleslâw by ………………………….
  7. …………………………
  8. ………………………..
  9. ………………………….
Full Recipe >>>>>>>>>>>>

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